0800 10 87 27 access@hgleach.co.nz

About Us

Our Mission Statement

H.G. Leach & Co. are a reputable, responsive and safe family business, crushing and supplying aggregate.

Experience, hard work, and best practice underpin our success. We are an efficient and innovative quarrying and contracting business with a diverse range of skills, multiple supply sources, flexible transport options and modern, reliable equipment.

“Strong companies come from strong foundations.”

For 70 years, H.G. Leach & Co. has been part of the fabric of the Thames Valley region.

The small drainage and dragline business that the late Harry Leach and his sons, the late Merv and Bruce Leach, started in 1952 has grown and expanded into the successful quarrying and contracting business it is today. Merv’s two sons Graham and Warwick along with their families, now head the business and are proud to continue the legacy and significant contribution the company has provided and continues to provide, the region in terms of:

  • Commercial services
  • Employment
  • Essential primary commodities
  • Support for non-commercial and community activities

The company operates four quarries:


Partners & Association

The company’s regional responsibility is complemented by its responsibility to the quarrying and contracting industry. We are proud members of the:

ISO Certification

Responsible corporate citizenship of this type has clear and tangible benefits for H.G. Leach’s clients. Membership of industry bodies ensures frequent peer review and a formal commitment to industry best practice. Click here to view our ISO 14001 Certificate.

ARHT corporate supporter | HG Leach

“Our sponsors are the vital life-blood of our organisation; without their dedication and loyalty we would likely not be able to provide the service that so many rely upon.”  Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust

Proud Sponsors of the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust

Each year rescue helicopters provide rescue services to thousands of New Zealanders who for one reason or another have found themselves in a moment of crisis.  Whether they are lost or injured at sea or in the bush, if they have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, or are experiencing a life threatening medical event, quite often the rescue helicopter is the lifeline that for a moment in time is the difference between life and death.

This is only possible due to the huge generosity of the New Zealand public, alongside support from Westpac NZ, and a number of sponsors who together provide more than half of the funding required to operate these services. At HG Leach we are proud to be one of these long-standing sponsors contributing to such a worthy organisation and community service.